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For me reading is an escape from boredeom or an escape from my life and into another. I admit to reading way too fast and then wishing I had not read the book so fast. I find stress relief in reading as most people who read do. It is said that hose who enjoy reading as much as I do generally are good writers and great with grammar. I can honestly tell you I am not the best writer in the world and I am horrible with grammar. So if you notice things that are wrong you are probably right and it has not changed in 24 years so I am guessing it never will. If you think I might like a book you have read let me know and I will try and read it. I tend to choose a book maily how I am feeling at that time.

If you have comments about any books please feel free to share. As I said before my blog is based on my own feelins and understandings of the book.


Friday, November 26, 2010

While My Sister Sleeps By: Barbara Delinsky

While My Sister sleeps. By Barbara Delinsky.  I was not looking for any book in particular just browsing the bargain books on Barnes and Noble.  From reading my blog you will come to realize that I don’t usually read books based on recommendations. I tend to choose a book based on my feelings at that time and the quick little summary on the websites.  When I came across this certain book I had just watched a TV show about life and death and wills.  The question this book asks  How do you decide when a life is over?  That one sentence drew me in.
This is the first book of Delinsky’s that I have read and I can tell you straight up I will read many more of her books.  In While My Sister Sleeps Delinsky uses many perspectives of life from young to old, Mothers, Fathers, Siblings, and Friends and near strangers.  She uses pure emotion and it plays with not only your own emotions but it really makes your brain work in asking yourself, what would I do?  This is a book that I was able to lose myself in and put myself in the position of each character. 
My Insight:  A young and a world class runner at the peak of her career suddenly fall into a coma after a heart failure.  Molly her younger sister who has always lived in her shadows shine through as she helps the family to better understand not only Robin as an individual and runner, but the whole family and those close to them.  They are called to examine the meaning of life, love and understanding.  When times become difficult they are torn between doing the right thing for Robin or for themselves.  But what is the RIGHT choice?  Ultimately, how do you decide when a life is over?   Is life truly over?  
There were many things that drew me deeper and deeper into Delinskys book.  I was able to relate to the family as mine also includes two sisters, a brother and two parents.  The personalities are very likeable and something I feel everyone could relate to.  For me I found myself being like Molly and wanting to be part of her life.  As you learn more about this family and the mysteries that each member has you don’t want the book to end.  I wanted to know what is next.  To me wanting more is the markings of a good author.
Is life truly over is the question that I took from this book.. When someone is gone is their life over?  Yes, in the fact that they will no longer be there in person or have the opportunity to further their own story in life. But the life of the person who once was in my opinion will never be over.  For me once someone is gone from this earth, their story still lives on in the minds, hearts and emotions of those they touched.  You will remember the good times, the bad times and always question those times that never happened.  So in mind and spirit they are still there and their life stays alive in others. 
I enjoy when an author can take many stories and wrap them in to one larger story.. That is what life is truly about.  Not just your individual story but how did you get there and how does your story and those around you make one.  Thank you Delinsky for this marvelous read.

This is a must read and I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a thought provoking book. 

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